Ryan Lay- “A Lover Reborn” 2015

Welcome is always welcome on sk8front!@#$ no comply with no to no its comply?!@#$%

By | February 26th, 2016|NEWS, WELCOME|0 Comments

welcome ramp mix

Acid breakbeat flawless montage ramp Welcome miXxx!@#$% Dope XXX sztos @#$% will blaty aaron goure daniel vargas kevin devine .piping ramp footage from april 2015 www.welcomeskateboards.com

By | October 5th, 2015|diegomeek, NEWS, WELCOME|0 Comments

Dvargs- Plague(s) Magazine Interview Edit

Smooth as a mothefuckin hustla!@#$ DOPE xx SZTOS OPERATOR!@#$ Filmed and edited by the incomparable Richie Valdez. read the words at the link below. www.plaguesmagazine.com/the-daniel-varga­s-interview

By | September 24th, 2015|NEWS, WELCOME|0 Comments

3 guys in 3 stripes

Pogłoski jakoby ekipa WILKOMMEN się rozpadła nie za bardzo nas interesują w przeciwieństwie do ich fałhaesowych montaży, które zawsze robią na nas wrażenie!@#$% SZTOS WELCOME DOPE XXX Daniel Vargas, Brandon Perelson orazMark McCoy jeżdżą w Tijuana i San Diego!@#$%

By | August 27th, 2015|NEWS, WELCOME|0 Comments

35th North & CONS: WELCOME ACS 9 2014

And the winner is..... and the third place goes to WELCOME SKATEBOARDS!!!! DOPE Jest kilka firm oryginalnych na rynku i z nimi się identyfikujemy. Welcome Skateboards jest jedną z nich bo ich oldschoolowe podejście do tematu deskorolki bardzo nas jara! SZTOS!!!

By | February 8th, 2015|NEWS, WELCOME|0 Comments

Chris Milic – bonus part from “its a secret”

Super kreatywna deskorolka od Welcome Skateboards czyli Chris Milic ze swoim bonusowym partem z najnowszego filmu Diego Meek'a "its a secret". SZTOS!#$ Since the skateboardmag player fucking sucks i figured i should put it online myself, hope its okay. Milic's bonus part from Diego Meek's newest video "its a secret" http://www.itsasecret.bigcartel.com/

By | May 31st, 2014|NEWS, WELCOME|0 Comments