Polar x Palace in Sweden & Denmark + ITWs with Lev Tanju and Pontus Alv

Bardzo ciekawy wywiad z Pontusem Alv (Polar Co)  i Levim Tanju (Palace). Opowiadają o własnym spojrzeniu na deskorolkę, inspiracjach i innych duperelach... Kingpin sat down with the two brand’s spearheads, Lev Tanju and Pontus Alv, self acclaimed leaders of the new school, talking skateboarding, shits and showers, Scandis and sick collabos… Read more at http://kingpin.mpora.com/longform/polar-x-palace-in-sweden-denmark-itws-with-lev-tanju-and-pontus-alv#PHV2R3avmvtb4TXZ.99