Jake’s Crates Episode 8 – Woody and the Gasworks Gap

Jake's Crates Episode 8 - Woody and the Gasworks Gap (2002) a Skateboarding video by Sidewalk Brytyjski Homoki walczy z olbrzymią przeszkodą, trochę boli ale z happy endem :D DOPE "Episode 8 sees Garry 'Woody' Woodward continue on his hammer assault of Manchester back in 2002. The Gasworks Gap had been eyed up for years [...]

By | December 10th, 2014|Jake's Crates, NEWS|0 Comments

Jakes Crates: Episode 1

Przetłumaczcie sobie to wszystko zeby wiedziec ocb.) "Award-winning VX wielder and European man of mystery Jacob ‘Antman’ Harris has been busy of late going through hundreds of archive DV tapes relating to the filming of the first Sidewalk video ‘In Motion’ released in 2003 and featuring full sections with Ben Grove, Paul Silvester, Benny Fairfax [...]

By | October 22nd, 2014|NEWS, SIDEWALK|0 Comments